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Table 3 Summary of evidence that H. pylori infection and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth drive facets of parkinsonism

From: Leukocyte-subset counts in idiopathic parkinsonism provide clues to a pathogenic pathway involving small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. A surveillance study

Gastrointestinal disorder



H. pylori infection

Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised efficacy study of eradication.

Differential effects with improvement in hypokinesia and worsening rigidity over year post-eradication and subsequent (2-year) plateau. Overall: net improvement[5].



(i) Detrimental effect of Helicobacter positivity on hypo- and bradykinesia (adjusted for natural-killer count) [Results: Cellular associations with clinical measurements].

(ii) Improvement in hypokinesia followed Helicobacter- eradication, but not antimicrobials given for other indications (i.e. indication specific)[73].

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth


(i) Same three leukocyte subset associated with hydrogen-breath-test positivity and facets (biological gradient of rigidity on natural killer and T-helper counts; brady/hypokinesia on natural killer; tremor on neutrophil) [Results: Cellular association with breath-hydrogen & Cellular associations with clinical measurements].


(ii) Increased rigidity followed antimicrobials for indications other than Helicobacter (i.e. not indication-specific), suggesting alteration in intestinal microbiota as a player[73].