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Table 1 Proportion of trimmed reads mapped to the CDC:HCNY16:01 draft genome assembly using oocysts from three representative samples

From: Purification of Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts obtained from human stool specimens for whole genome sequencing

Purification status of oocysts

Number of mapped reads/total number of reads = % of reads mapped to HCNY assembly




Before flow sorting

2,262,396/9,739,022 = 23%

1,781,583/9,315,212 = 19%

163,179/2,767,726 = 6%

Flow cytometry sorted

6,282,480/7,785,610 = 81%

5,954,094/6,137,902 = 97%

2,486,477/2,888,1657 = 86%