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Table 1 Patients characteristics

From: Characteristics of patients infected with Clostridioides difficile at a Saudi Tertiary Academic Medical Center and assessment of antibiotic duration


N (%) or Median [IQR]

Age (years)

62 (48–71)

Sex (male)

80 (50.3)

Hospital unit


129 (81.1)


19 (11.9)


11 (6.9)



28 (17.6)


113 (71.1)


18 (11.3)



71 (44.7)


47 (29.6)

 Severe complicated (fulminant)

41 (25.8)

Time to CDI from admission, daysa

7 (2–20)

Non-CDI antibiotic therapy

121 (76.1)

Number of antibioticsb

3 (1–5)

Cancer chemotherapy

22 (13.8)

Acid suppression therapy

120 (75.5)

Type of acid suppression therapyc

 Proton pump inhibitor

47 (29.6)

 H2-receptor antagonist

2 (1.3)


1 (0.6)

 > 1 type

70 (44)

 Lower gastrointestinal disease

14 (8.8)

  1. aIn hospitalized patients, excluding patients presented to the ED 
  2. bIn the subset of patients who received antibiotics
  3. cIn the subset of patients who received acid suppression therapy
  4. CA-CDI community-acquired C. difficile infection, CDI C. difficile infection, CO-HCFA community-onset healthcare facility-associated, DOT days of therapy, ED emergency department, HO-CDI, hospital-onset C. difficile infection, ICU intensive care unit, IQR interquartile range