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Figure 3 | Gut Pathogens

Figure 3

From: Distinct repeat motifs at the C-terminal region of CagA of Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from diseased patients and asymptomatic individuals in West Bengal, India

Figure 3

Repeat motifs at the C-terminal region of CagA of strain San77. Each motif was assigned with distinct colors. The first EPIYA motif is preceded by a stretch of 10 amino acids containing 6 successive asparagines (motif S1). First and second EPIYA motifs (Y1 and Y2) were connected by V1 region. The second EPIYA motif is followed by a motif called I1 and is never repeated while the sequence FPLKK---VGLS (motif I2) was repeated four times. In motif I2, a single amino acid replacement was noticed in third and fourth repeats as compared to first and second (shown with arrow). Third, fourth and fifth EPIYA motifs (Y3, Y4 and Y5) were always preceded and followed by I3 and W1 motifs. Remarkably, after fifth EPIYA motifs (Y5) and fourth I2 motifs there are no I3 motif present and are replaced by motif T1, which represents the ‘stop’ signal for this repeat region.

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