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Figure 3 | Gut Pathogens

Figure 3

From: Probiotics and virulent human rotavirus modulate the transplanted human gut microbiota in gnotobiotic pigs

Figure 3

Phylogenetic dissimilarities among transplanted pigs and the effect of LGG treatment. A: A principal coordinate (PCoA) analysis of weighted UniFrac distances among all pigs. Only the first two axes (PC1 and PC2) that explain largest variations among samples are plotted. Open circles are pigs receiving no LGG, and filled triangles are pigs treated with LGG. The open square indicates the human microbiota. Significant grouping by LGG was tested by PERMANOVA described in the text. B: The UniFrac distances between HRV-challenged pig microbiota versus non-challenged pig microbiota. These distances were divided into two groups according to whether LGG was added. The test of significance was performed using the Mann-Whitney test.

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