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Fig. 1 | Gut Pathogens

Fig. 1

From: Gut microbiome dynamics and associations with mortality in critically ill patients

Fig. 1

Characterization of the difference in microbial taxa between patients with higher mortality (MMI > 0) compared to patients with lower mortality (MMI < 0). A) Heatmap of Spearman correlations between 30 taxa (columns) and the four component taxa used to calculate MMI (rows). The top two rows are the taxa present in the numerator of the MMI ratio and the bottom two rows are the taxa present in the denominator of the MMI. The middle row (MMI) depicts overall correlations with the MMI. There is strong collinearity between Anaerococcus and other GPACs (columns in red print). Parasutterella correlates with commensals (columns in black print). In general, the MMI was positively correlated with GPACs as well as members of the Enterobacteriaceae family (purple print), but was negatively correlated with commensal organisms. B) Bar plot of observed relative abundances of taxa for each patient. Patients with higher MMIs were more frequently dominated by a single taxon, and also had higher relative abundance of GPACs. C) Alpha diversity box plots grouped by MMI binarized at zero. Diversity was lower among high MMI patients. “R” denotes richness, “D” denotes diversity, “E” denotes evenness. D) SSPCA showing each identified principal component plotted against MMI. Relative PC weights for associated taxa are shown as bar plots. Color used only to aid interpretation of each taxon’s direction of effect

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