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Fig. 1 | Gut Pathogens

Fig. 1

From: Identification of enterotype and its predictive value for patients with colorectal cancer

Fig. 1

Gut enterotype analysis of 1102 samples. A: The source of the data (own vs. public) coloring by a simple PCoA plot. B: Calinski–Harabasz (CH) index analysis based on the Jensen Shannon divergence (JSD) distance. K = 3 is the optimal number of clusters. C: The top eight genera in each enterotype. D: Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) plot of the three enterotypes. All samples (adenoma, n = 320; CRC, n = 415; healthy, n = 367) are clustered into “Streptococcus” (S_E, green), “Bacteroide” (BA_E, red), and “Blautia” (BL_E, blue) enterotypes. E: A bar chart showing the distribution of different disease states in three enterotypes. Red, green, and blue represent healthy control, adenoma, and blue CRC samples, respectively. F-H: The distribution of clinical factors such as sex, BMI and age among the three enterotype. ns meant no statistical difference between the two groups (P > 0.05)

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